September was marked by our presence at the latest edition of the Plastics Recycling Show (PRS) Middle East & Africa in Dubai. For the occasion, several hundred international industrialists were present, from a wide variety of fields: plastic recycling machinery and equipment, plastic material suppliers, pre-processors and, of course, plastic recyclers! A group of renowned players, all focused on the same mission: to make the use of plastics in our consumer society as virtuous as possible.
Our company was represented by @AlbertSchinasi and @WolfgangArnezeder, co-founders of General Industries, and @VincentHauspied, Head of the Granules, Recycled and Off-Grade Department.
And as things move very fast for us, we had the opportunity to present our various ranges of recycled ABS, PS and PP, produced at our 1.08 Recyclage plant.
The event provided an opportunity to meet up with long-standing partners from Europe, Africa and Asia, elsewhere than at our plant or in our respective offices. And it led to the conclusion of some fine contracts, the first of which was confirmed just 48 hours after returning to France, with an order (already delivered!) for black regenerated polystyrene for a new African customer.
So save the date! We look forward to seeing you at the same venue from September 10 to 12, 2024… But we can talk before then, of course!